1. Media monitor, Center for Media and Public Affairs,
Washington, D.C., Vol. III, No. 7, Sept. 1989.
2. Suzanne Huffman, Yang Tai-en; Yan Liqun, and Keith P. Sanders,
Genie out of the Bottle: Three U.S. Networks Report Tiananmen
Square, University of Missouri, Columbia, August 1990.
3. WP, 4/22/89.
4. On inter-university coordination in Beijing, presentation by
student leader Shen Tong, Harvard, 4/4/90; on inter-city
coordination, presentation by Charles Sylvester, former U.S.
Consul-General in Shanghai, Harvard, 5/22/90.
5. Time, 5/l/89.
6. Michael Fathers and Andrew Higgins, Tiananmen: The Rape of
Peking, The Independent, London, p. 31.
7. Carrel, ABC, 4/24/89.
S. Time, 5/l/89, p. 45.
9. Mathews, WP, 5/29/89.
10. Yi and Thompson, Mark V., Crisis at Tiananmen, China Books
& Periodicals, San Francisco, 1989, p. 28.
11. Southerland, WP, 4/29/89; Kristof, New York Times Sunday Week in Review, 4/30/89.
12. Burton and Florcruz, Time, 5/8/89.
13. Time, 5/8/89. It was not until June 7 that the New York Times
reported that the decision not to use force was made by Qiao Shi,
the Politburo member in charge of security.
14. Kristof, NYT, 5/18/89;
Ibid., 5/19/89.
Ibid., 5/23/89.
15. Holley, LAT, 4/30/89.
16. Shen Tong, Almost a Revolution, Boston, 1990, p. 236.
17. LAT, 5/18/89.
18. Kristof, NYT, 5/15/89.
19. WuDunn, NYT, 5/15/89.
20. Dobbs, WP, 5/15/89.
21. Dobbs, WP, 5/16/89.
22. Keller, NYT, 5/17/89.
23. Much material about the movement outside Beijing came out in
a Chinese publication, official but restricted, in Chinese, that
has reached the West: Jing xin dong bo de 56 tian ("Soul-Stirring
56 Days"), Beijing, Da di chu ban she, 1989.
24. Shen Tong, Almost a Revolution, Boston, 1990, p. 269.
25. Kathy Wilhelm, AP, 4/28/89, Slug: China, AMs, 1912 EDT.
26. John Pomfret, AP, 5/26/89, Slug: China, AMs, 2331 EDT.
27. Beijing Review, September 11-17, 1989. This was provided by
the Chinese Embassy in Washington in response to our questions
about the government version of events.
28. Kristof, NYT, 6/21/89.
29. "China: One Year After Tiananmen Square," sponsored by the
Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C.
30. Burgess, WP, 6/12/89.
Ibid., 6/13/89.
Oberdorfer, WP, 6/14/89.
Kristof, NYT, 6/12/89.
Thomas Friedman, NYT, 6/13/89.
Ibid., 6/14/89.
Williams, LAT, 6/11/89.
Norman Kempster, LAT, 6/13/89.
Kristof, NYT, 6/10/89.
Orville Schell, NYT, 6/15/89.
31. The Los Angeles Times published a twelve-page special
section, "The Shattered Dream--China/1989," written by Mann,
Holley and others, on June 25, 1989. The Washington Post ran
Southerland's long story on Aug. 20. Kristof's article ran in the
New York Times Sunday Magazine on 6/21/89.
32. Presentation by Mike Lampton, director of the Council on
U.S.-China Relations, at Harvard, April 1990; background
interviews with two Congressional committee staff members,
Washington, 5/14-15/90; background interviews with six U.S.
officials involved in planning and executing China policy,
May-June, 1990.
33. Maureen Dowd, NYT, 5/20/89.
Abrams, Jim, Associated Press, Beijing Bureau Chief,
interviewed in Beijing on May 1, 1990.
Bettag, Tom, CBS Evening News, Executive Producer, telephone
interview, July 26, 1990.
Bennett, Amanda, China Specialist, Wall Street Journal, telephone
interview, July 12, 1990.
Burton, Sandra, Former Beijing Bureau Chief, Time Magazine, in
Beijing, May 4, 1990.
Bush, Richard, Solarz Staff, in Washington, D.C., May 14, 1990.
Chua, Howard, Time Magazine, telephone interview, June 3 1990.
Elliott, Dorinda, Newsweek Magazine, Beijing Bureau chief, in
Beijing, May 20, 1990.
Faison, Seth, Beijing Correspondent, South China Morning Post,
May 9, 1990.
Fingar, Tom, China Specialist, Intelligence and Research
Department, U.S. State Department in Washington, D.C., telephone
interview, May 15, 1990 (Not for attribution by name.).
Florcruz, Jaime, Beijing Bureau, Time Magazine, in Beijing, April
30, 1990.
Getler, Mike, Assistant Managing Editor-Foreign, Washington Post,
telephone interview, July 1990.
Goldman, Merle, China Specialist, Boston University, in
Cambridge, MA, May and June, 1990.
Gwertzman, Bernard, Foreign Editor, New York Times, in New York
City, May 6, 1990.
Harding, Harry, China specialist, The Brookings Institution,
Washington, D.C., telephone interview, May 29, 1990.
Holbrooke, Richard, Former Assistant Secretary of State (Far
East), in New York City, May 7, 1990.
Holley, David, Los Angeles Times, Beijing Bureau Chief, in
Beijing, April 30, 1990.
Hopkins, Mark, Former Beijing Correspondent, Voice of America, in
Cambridge, MA, March 1990.
Huang Yasheng, deputy chairman of China Information Center and an
eyewitness to the events in Tiananmen Square in the spring of
1989, in Cambridge, MA, May 1, 1990.
Ignatius, Adi, Beijing Correspondent, Wall Street Journal, in
Beijing, May 10, 1990.
Jordan, Eason, International Affairs Director, CNN, telephone
interview, May 18, 1990.
Karnow, Stanley, Author and China Specialist, telephone
interview, April 25, 1990.
Kristof, Nicholas & WuDunn, Sheryl, Beijing Correspondents,
New York Times, in Beijing, May 7, 1990.
Leung, Julia, Asian Wall Street Journal, in Hong Kong, December
5, 1989.
Li, Simon, Foreign Desk, Los Angeles Times, telephone interview,
July 19, 1990.
Litke, Mark, Hong Kong-based Correspondent, ABC News, February 1,
Liu, Melinda, Hong Kong Bureau Chief and Asia Regional Editor,
Newsweek Magazine, in Hong Kong, February 10, 1990.
Lubman, Sarah, Former Washington Post stringer and currently with
United Press International Bureau in Beijing, in Beijing, May 4,
Lord, Winston, Former U.S. Ambassador to China, in New York City,
May 7, 1990.
MaCartney, Jane, Asiaweek reporter from end of April to June 4,
1989 in Beijing, and Reuters correspondent from August 1989 to
present, in Hong Kong, November 21, 1989.
MacFarquhar, Roderick, Professor, China Specialist, Harvard
University, May 1990.
Mathews, Jay, Former Beijing Correspondent, Washington Post,
telephone interview, July 12, 1990.
Miller, Keith, Hong Kong-Based Correspondent, NBC News, in Hong
Kong, January 23, 1990.
Munson, Jim, Beijing Correspondent and 1990 President of the
Foreign Correspondents Club of Beijing, Canadian Television, in
Beijing, May 15, 1990.
New York City Press Breakfast: Chua, Howard, Time Magazine,
Bennett, Amanda, Wall Street Journal, Lane, Nancy, Producer CNN,
Polowetzky, Nate, Former Foreign Editor, Associated Press,
Sciere, Kathy, Producer, CBS, Posner, Irine, Center for
Communication, Jones, Terril, Beijing, bureau, Associated Press,
New York City, May 7, 1990.
Paal, Doug, China Specialist, National Security Council Staff, in
Washington, D.C., telephone interview, May 15, 1990 (Not for
attribution by name.).
Perkins, Dwight, Professor, Harvard University, May 1990.
Polowetzky, Nate, Former Foreign Editor, Associated Press,
telephone interview, July 16, 1990.
Pomfret, John, Beijing Bureau, Associated Press, in Hong Kong,
February 11, 1990.
Schweisberg, David, Beijing Bureau Chief, United Press
International, in Beijing, May 1, 1990.
Sciere, Kathy, Senior Foreign Producer, CBS Evening News,
telephone interview, July 16, 1990.
Shen Tong, Chinese student leader, presentation at the John F.
Kennedy School, in Cambridge, MA, April 4, 1990.
Solomon, Richard, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia, in
Washington, D.C., June 1, 1990 (Not for attribution by name.)
Rosenberg, David, Foreign Editor, Asian Wall Street Journal, in
Hong Kong, December 13, 1989.
Southerland, Daniel, Beijing Correspondent, Washington Post, in
Beijing, May 4, 16, 19, 1990 meetings.
Stewart, William, Time Magazine, November 28, 1989.
Strauss, Valerie, Foreign Desk, Washington Post, telephone
interview, May 20, 1990.
Sutter, Bob, China Specialist at Congressional Research Service,
May 14, 1990 (Not for attribution by name.).
Sylvester, Charles, former U.S. Consul-General in Shanghai, a
presentation at Harvard, June 1990.
Terrill, Ross, China specialist, in Boston, May 1990.
Thomson, James, Professor, Boston University, May 1990.
Washington, D.C. Press Breakfast: Morton, Bruce, Correspondent,
CBS, Dingus, John, News Editor, National Public Radio, Mann, Jim,
Former China Correspondent, Los Angeles Times, Judd, Jackie,
Correspondent, ABC, Pessin, Al, Former Beijing Correspondent,
Voice of America, Shaw, Bernard, Anchor, CNN, Strauss, Valerie,
Washington Post, in Washington, D.C., May 15, 1990.
Wiedemann, A. Kent, China Country Officer, U.S. State Department,
in Washington, D.C., May 15, 1990 (Not for attribution by name.).
Wong, Jan, Beijing Correspondent, Toronto Globe and Mail, in
Beijing, May 8, 1990.
Wu, Eugene, Chief Librarian of Yenching Library, in Cambridge,
May 1990.
William Alford, Harvard University School of Law
Tom Ashbrook, Boston Globe
Michael Berlin, Boston University
Jan Berris, National Committee on U.S. China Relations
Keith Botsford, Bostonian Magazine
Fox Butterfield, The New York Times
David Caravello, CBS News
David Chiel, Ford Foundation
David Chu, East-West Center
Rachelle Cohen, The Boston Herald
Merle Goldman, Fairbank Center for East Asian Research
Xiaoxia Gong, Harvard University
Weigun Gu, Harvard University
Ted Gup, Time Magazine
Bernard Gwertzman, The New York Times
Harry Harding, Brookings Institution
Nancy Hearst, Fairbank Center for East Asian Research
Nancy Hodes, Harvard University
William Hodes, Indiana University School of Law
Ben Huang, Harvard University
Yasheng Huang, Fairbank Center for East Asian Research
Ellen Hume, Joan Shorenstein Barone Center
Akira Iriye, Harvard University
Linda Jakobson, Sanomat, Finland
William Joseph, Wellesley College
Jackie Judd, ABC News
Mark Jurkowitz, The Boston Phoenix
Joseph Kahn, Dallas Evening News
Anthony Kane, Asia Society
Marvin Kalb, Joan Shorenstein Barone Center
Stanley Karnow, Author
Tom Kent, Associated Press
Don Kline, Tufts University
Jane Lampman, Christian science Monitor
Yrjo Lansipuro, Finnish Broadcasting Company
Nancy Lane, CNN
Tim Leland, The Boston Globe
Tom Levenson, WGBH
Jim Mann, Los Angeles Times
Tim McNulty, The Chicago Tribune
Mark Mohr, Department of State
Jonathan Moses, Office of James Florio
Gary Orren, Joan Shorenstein Barone Center
Al Pessin, Voice of America
Irine Posner, Center for Communications
Lucian Pye, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Charles Radin, The Boston Globe
Robert Ross, Boston College
Jeffrey Sommer, Newsday
Dan Southerland, Council on Foreign Relations; The Washington
Wendy Tang, Canadian Government
Andrea Taylor, Ford Foundation
Ross Terrill, Author; Fairbank Center for East Asian Research
James Thomson, Boston University
Shen Tong, Democracy for China Fund
Stan Vittoz, York University
Zhigiang Wang, Harvard University
Susan Weld, Harvard University School of Law
Sophia Wong, MIT and Wellesley College
Eugene Wu, Harvard Yenching Library
John Yemma, The Boston Globe
Frederick Yu, Columbia University
Amy Zegart, McKinsey and Company
Susan Zirinsky, CBS News
David Zweig, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy