




值此1989天安门抗议运动20周年之际,我们怀着沉痛的心情纪念这一惨遭残酷镇压的民众运动。在这场运动中,数以百万计的中国民众曾走上街头,要求新闻 与言论自由。

20年前,长弓制作组着手编导纪录片《天安门》并建立相关的历史资料网站(www.tsquare.tv),旨在以独立的视角和深入浅出的方式表现这一历 史事件的复杂动因及过程,并为学者和公众持续提供有关的研究资料。

1995年10月,《天安门》入选纽约电影节。影片尚未公映,就遭到来自中国政府和某些89学运参与者两方面的声讨。随后中国政府要求所有的国际电影节禁 演此片,声称《天安门》“歌颂暴徒,误导观众,伤害了12亿中国人民的感情”。反对此片的学运参与者则一口咬定我们是受中国政府指使,斥我们“是一群苍 蝇,是我们这个时代真正的疾病。”

尽管如此,《天安门》仍在美国和世界各地获得多项电影与学术大奖。影片至今依然受到媒体、有关研究人员以及教育界人士的关注,与其网站一道,已成为国际上 有关中国现代史研究探讨的组成部分。我们深信,此类独立研究与独立影片的制作只有在学术界同仁、公共基金会及私人捐助的鼎力支持下,在言论自由得到充分保 障的情况下才能得以进行。

然而今天,我们作为一个独立制片和历史档案机构的基本生存正在受到严重的威胁。令人深感担忧的是,这种威胁竟来自一个曾在1989年学生运动中声称支持言 论自由和民主的人士。柴玲,原保卫天安门广场指挥部总指挥、尖子班(注:美国一商业软件公司 Jenzabar)现任总裁,与她的丈夫 Robert Maginn(原 Bain Capital的合伙人及director,现任尖子班首席执行官)于2007年在美国麻州波士顿以损害名誉和商标侵权两项罪名对我们提出了控告。

“损害名誉”的指控基于我们的网站链接了美国一些主流媒体发表的文章,其中涉及到有关尖子班、柴玲和Robert Maginn的一些负面消息。 关于商标侵权的指控,则仅仅基于我们的网站中引述相关文章时出现了“尖子班”这一名称。对于“损害名誉”的起诉,法院决定不予受理。 对“商标侵权”的指控,法院认为:虽然由于两家公司业务不同,尖子班胜诉的可能性极小,但仍决定给予尖子班一次为其指控提供证据的机会。

我们的长弓制作组是一个非盈利性的纪录片制作公司, 而尖子班是一家为高等教育机构提供管理系统软件的商业公司。我们与 尖子班的业务毫不相干,亦不存在任何商业上的竞争。尖子班却指控我们的网站侵犯其商标,误导其潜在用户,从而造成其公司的客户流失。我们并非商业软件公 司,也不销售尖子班的客户可能感到兴趣的一类软件,而且事实上也从未有人就尖子班或其软件与我们进行过联系。

近年来,美国的一些主流媒体,如《波士顿环球报》、《福布斯》、及《高等教育学报》,都曾报道过并在网上存档尖子班及其总裁柴玲的情况。长弓网站仅止于引 用了这些报道。据我们所知,首发报道的这些主流媒体并没有受到尖子班的任何指控。因此我们有理由认为,这次法律诉讼显然是旨在以要挟为手段,迫使我们从网 站上删除与柴玲和尖子班有关的信息。柴玲的律师就曾明确要求我们从网站上删除一切有关尖子班的材料。然而我们认为,这些历史资料不仅有关公众利益,而且早 已通过其它途径进入公众视听领域。为尽早结束这场在我们看来是惩罚性的法律诉讼,我们与对方进行了多次谈判并作出某些和解性让步,然而这场官司目前依然在 继续,已经给我们带来巨大的财务损耗,以至威胁到我们这个机构的生存。

以下是2007年5月对方提出的控告的摘录。 这些严重的指控既是对长弓制作组的威胁,更是对我们一贯所珍视的政治与言论自由等基本原则的威胁:

“出于恶意和对共产党政府官员的同情,并一心想诋毁中国天安门民主运动的一名学生领袖柴玲,长弓制作组在其网站传播有关原告的虚假信息,从一些过时的报道 中收集误导性言论,散播半真半假的消息,以期造成对尖子班、柴玲和Maginn的不良印象。为确保这些内容尽可能广泛地传播,以造成最大损害,长弓在未经 授权的情况下使用受法律保护的尖子班商标,将读者引到长弓网站。后果之一是,尖子班的客户及潜在客户被误导到该网站和该网站上的诋毁性内容,由此造成对尖 子班名誉的伤害和商业机遇的损失。”




我们认为,尖子班这一指控,旨在伤害我们这个非盈利性的独立制片和研究团体,这个团体在过去三十年间为世界各地的广大观众与教育界提供了有关中国历史、人 文风貌的各种影片。柴玲和尖子班似乎已下定决心,除非我们顺其要求从网站上删除历史资料并回避尖子班的名称,他们就要通过旷日持久的诉讼过程耗尽我们这个 非盈利机构的有限财力。我们认为,他们的目的和手段不仅对我们具有极其严重的后果,同时在更大的范围内,对言论自由与独立学术探讨也具有深远的负面影响。

我们认为,在纪念六四20周年的同时,有必要反思与重申如下一些原则在我们自己所处的环境中的重要性。这些原则包括:独立思想、独立于任何政治与商业利益 集团的历史研究、收集和保护历史文献、以及言论自由。

为此,我们向各位专家学者、各媒体及教育界的同仁们、以及关注此案的公众提出呼吁,请到我们的网站(www.tsquare.tv)阅读有关这场法律诉讼 的详细资料,以期就言论自由等有关问题作出你们自己的判断。

此呼吁书绝非针对尖子班、其产品或其所提供的用户服务。我们无意引起或参与任何抵制尖子班,或有损于尖子班 的营业与雇员的任何活动。我们只要求维护我们的权利,捍卫言论自由,保护我们自己和我们所从事的工作不受这一无理指控的伤害。

如果你愿意助我们一臂之力,请在这份呼吁书上签名,以表示对我们立场的支持。你的签名不具备任何法律义务、责任或承诺,也不表明你一定认同我们在影片或网 站上发表的观点。你的签名只意味着,当一个商业公司企图凭借金钱与权势来压制争论、删除历史资料时,它的这种行为将在学术界以及公众中引起关注。

如果你愿意签名支持我们,请发电子邮件至 info@longbow.org 。请标明你的职务和所属机构。

Written and Signed by

Carma Hinton, Professor of Visual Culture & Chinese Studies, George Mason University; Producer, Director, Long Bow Group
Richard Gordon, Producer, Director, President, Long Bow Group
Geremie R. Barmé, Professor of Chinese History, The Australian National University, Australian Research Council Federation Fellow, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Humanities; Producer, Director, Long Bow Group
Nora Chang, Producer, Director, Long Bow Group


Patricia Adams, Executive Director
Probe International
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ah Cheng (钟阿城)
Novelist, scriptwriter, painter

Ai Weiwei, Artist
Beijing, China

Yanming An (安延明)
Professor of Chinese and Philosophy
Clemson University, SC

R. David Arkush
Professor of Chinese History
The University of Iowa, IA, USA

Steven Ascher
Boston, MA, USA

Françoise Aubin
Le Parc de Seronne, Jumelles, France

Pat Aufderheide, Professor and Director
Center for Social Media, School of Communication
American University, Washington, D.C., USA

Tizhong Ba
Programmer Analyst
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA

Xiaomang Ba, M.D.
Washington, DC, USA

Dr. Limin Bai
Senior Lecturer in Chinese
School of Languages and Cultures
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Qianshen Bai
Boston University, MA, USA

C. D. Alison Bailey
Director, Centre for Chinese Research
Institute of Asian Research
University of British Columbia, Canada

Jane Balfour
London, UK

Xiaowen Bao, Ph.D.
General Manger, America Quantum Media
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Bao Zhiming 包智明, Ph.D.

Suzanne Wilson Barnett
Professor Emerita, History
University of Puget Sound, WA, USA

Dr. Ruth Barraclough, Lecturer in Korean Studies
College of Asia & the Pacific
The Australian National University, Australia


Jeffrey Berger, Ph.D.
Professor of Philosophy
Community College of Philadelphia, PA, USA

Zehua Bian
Tokyo, Japan

Sarah Biddulph
Associate Professor and Reader
Law School
The University of Melbourne, Australia

Professor Marc Blecher
Department of Politics
Oberlin College, OH, USA

Professor Harald Bockman
Research Centre for Development and the Environment
University of Oslo, Norway

Dorothy V. Borei
Professor of History Emerita
Guilford College, NC, USA

Dr. Sally Borthwick, Sinologist

Yomi Braester, Professor of Comparative Literature
University of Washington, WA, USA

Dr. Anne-Marie Brady, MRSNZ
Associate Professor in Political Science
School of Political and Social Sciences
University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand

John Braithwaite
Regulatory Institutions Network
RSPAS,  ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
Australian National University, Australia

Professor Timothy Brook
Principal, St. John's College
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Patrick Brown
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Beijing, China

Daniel Bryant, Professor Emeritus
Department of Pacific and Asian Studies
University of Victoria
Victoria BC, Canada

Ian Buruma
Luce Professor of Democracy, Human Rights and Journalism
Bard College, NY, USA

Peter Button, Assistant Professor
Department of East Asian Studies
New York University, NY, USA

Jean-Pierre Cabestan
Professor and Head
Department of Government and International Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences
Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

James Cahill, Professor Emeritus
History of Art
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA

Suzanne Cahill, Adjunct Professor
University of California, San Diego, CA, USA

Bill Cain
Former Mayor, Albany, CA, USA
Former President, Board of Education, Albany, CA, USA

Daniel Cairns
Graduate Student
University of Chicago, IL, USA

William A. Callahan
Professor of International Politics and Chinese Studies
University of Manchester
Co-Director of the British Inter-university China Centre
Oxford, UK

Dr. Duncan Campbell
Senior Lecturer, China Centre, Faculty of Asian Studies
College of Asia & the Pacific
The Australian National University, Australia

Lily Cantillon


Youfang Cao
Visiting Student
University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, USA

Thomas R. Carter
Gaithersburg, MD, USA

Dr. Anita Chan
Research Fellow, Contemporary China Centre
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
The Australian National University, Australia

Roy Chan
Instructor of Chinese Studies
College of William and Mary, VA, USA
Ph.D. Candidate, Comparative Literature
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA

Dr. Red Chan
University of Warwick
Coventry, UK

Tedman Chan, teacher
Member of Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union

Briankle G. Chang
Director, Center for the Study of Communication
Department of Communication
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA

Michael G. Chang, Associate Professor
Department of History and Art History
George Mason University, VA, USA

[加拿大多伦多 爱国侨胞]

Hilary Charlesworth
Professor, RegNet
Australian National University, Australia

Chen Eryou
Witness, June 4


Jianyi Chen
Mechanical Enginner
Detroit, MI, USA

Lejen Chen, Organic Farmer
Green Cow Farm
Beijing, China

Lin Chen
Software Engineer, AT&T R&D
Middletown, NJ, USA

Lydia Chen
Associate Director
Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

陈滔  (Chen Tao)
劳动者  中国云南

Dr. Tina Chen
Associate Professor of History
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada

Vivien Chen
New York City, NY, USA

Dr. Wen-Hua Chen
Senior Lecturer in Flight Control Systems
Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK

Chen Xianyang (陈显扬)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Jiqun Cheng
Editor for Chinese Media Net, Inc.

Cheng Li-Lan

Cheng Oi Yue
Research Assistant
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Professor Pei-kai Cheng
Director, Chinese Civilisation Centre
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

William Cheng
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Cheung Yiu Leung (張耀良)
Barrister-at-Law, Hong Kong (香港執業大律師)
Hong Kong Bar Association (香港大律師公會)

Xiaoqing Chi, artist
New Hampshire, USA

迟延崑 Chi Yankun
Retired Research Associate, University of Toronto
Visiting Associate Professor of Taiwan University

Katherine Chi-Burris
San Diego, CA, USA

Y. Eugene Chin, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Surgery
Brown University School of Medicine, RI, USA

Stanley Chiu
Chicago, IL, USA

Eva Shan Chou, Associate Professor
English Department
City University of New York, Baruch College, NY, USA

Jonathan Chu
Ontario, Canada


A.E. Clark
Ragged Banner Press

Father Jeremy Clarke S.J.
Visiting Fellow
The Australian National University, Australia

Lisa Claypool
Assistant Professor of Art History and Humanities
Reed College, OR, USA

Cathryn H. Clayton, Assistant Professor
School of Pacific and Asian Studies
University of Hawai'i, HI, USA

Don J. Cohn
Senior Editor, ArtAsiaPacific
New York, NY, USA

Lois Conner
New York, NY, USA

Dr. Susette Cook
Lecturer in China Studies
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Gene Cooper, Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Southern California, CA, USA

Bryan Corrigan
Teacher, AP Economics
Belmont Public Schools, Belmont, MA, USA

Spencer R. Crew
Clarence J. Robinson Professor of American, African American,
and Public History
George Mason University, VA, USA

Carl Crook
Business Manager
Beijing, China

Michael Crook
Western Academy of Beijing, China

Pamela Kyle Crossley, Professor
Department of History and
Program in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Dartmouth College, NH, USA

戴廷龙 (Dai Tinglong), Ph.D. student
Carnegie Mellon University, PA, USA

Dr. Francesca Dal Lago
Leiden Institute for Area Studies
Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands

Dr. Gloria Davies
Associate Professor and Convenor of Chinese Studies
Monash University, Australia

Michael E. Davies
Principal, Appletree Hill Solicitors, Australia

Deborah Davis, Professor of Sociology
Yale University, CT, USA

Robert DeCaroli, Associate Professor
George Mason University, VA, USA

Steven DeCaroli, Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Goucher College, MD, USA

Margaret H. Decker
Computer System Specialist
Belmont Public Schools, Belmont, MA, USA

Eric Yanpei Deng, Ph.D.
Scientist and Graduate Student in 1989
California, USA

University of California, Irvine, CA, USA

Dr. Kirk A. Denton
Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Literature
The Ohio State University, OH, USA

Françoise Derré, writer, translator
Paris, France

Joel Devalcourt
University of New Orleans, USA

Kaley Deweese

Neil J. Diamant
Associate Professor of Asian Law and Society
Dickinson College, PA, USA

Chen Ding
Associate Professor of Computer Science
University of Rochester, NY, USA

Zheng Ding, Professor of Physics
Normandale Community College
Bloomington, MN, USA

Professor Stephanie Hemelryk Donald
Professor of Chinese Media Studies
University of Sydney, Australia

Elvira & Vasco Dones, Producers
Dones Media LLC, Rockville, MD, USA

Hua Dong
Academic Specialist
Coordinator, Chinese Language Program
Northeastern University, MA, USA

Darrell Dorrington
Menzies Library
The Australian National University, Australia

Adam Driver, Ph.D. Candidate
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
The Australian National University, Australia

Marie-Pierre Duhamel, film critic and translator
Paris, France

Emily Dunn, Ph.D. Candidate
Asia Institute/History
University of Melbourne, Australia

Professor Michael Dutton
Research Chair, Professor of Political Cultures
Griffith University, Australia

Xujun Eberlein, independent writer
Author, "Apologies Forthcoming"
Massachusetts, USA

Richard Louis Edmonds
Visiting Professor in Geographical Studies
University of Chicago, IL, USA

Kingsley Edney
PhD Candidate
School of Social and Political Sciences
University of Melbourne, Australia

Professor Mark Elliott
Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations
Harvard University, MA, USA

Benjamin A. Elman
Professor of East Asian Studies & History
Princeton University, NJ, USA

Sarah S. Elman, Head of Technical Services
C.V. Starr East Asian Library
Columbia University, NY, USA

Bill Engst
Marlboro, NJ, USA

Karen Engst
Pau, France

Nicoals Engst-Matthews, student
Pau, France

Harriet Evans
University of Westminster, UK

Andrew Fair
Law Offices of Andrew L. Fair
New York, NY, USA

Ruiping Fan
Associate Professor
Department of Public & Social Administration
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Professor Judith Farquhar
Max Palevsky Professor of Anthropology and of Social Sciences
Chicago University, IL, USA

Professor Mary Farquhar
Executive member and former President, Chinese Studies
Association of Australia

Siyen Fei, Assistant Professor
Department of History
University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA

Leping Feng
KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology)
Stockholm, Sweden


Jesseca Ferguson
Continuing Part Time Faculty
School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Boston, MA, USA

Dr. Susan Fernsebner
Assistant Professor of History and American Studies
University of Mary Washington
Fredericksburg, VA, USA

Joseph Fewsmith
Boston University, MA, USA

Dr Stephen FitzGerald
Chair, Griffith Asia Institute Council
Griffith University
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Inaugural Fellow, Australian Institute of International Affairs
Former Australian Ambassador to China

Nick Fraser
Commissioning Editor, BBC

Andy Friend

Xinming Fu, MD 
Irvine, CA, USA

傅正明 (Fu, Zhengming)
学者,瑞典松兹瓦尔市 (Sweden)

Ellen V. Fuller
Assistant Professor
East Asian Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Studies in Women and Gender
University of Virginia, VA, USA

Fung Waichoi, Lecturer
Community College at Lingnan University
Hong Kong

Peter L. Galison
Joseph Pellegrino University Professor
Department of Physics
Harvard University, MA, USA

Carrillo Gantner

Vallejo Gantner

Ziyin Gantner

Professor Mobo Gao
Chair of Chinese Studies
Director, Confucius Institute
Centre for Asian Studies
The University of Adelaide, Australia

Qiang Gao, Staff Engineer
Qualcomm Inc.
San Diego, CA, USA

Xiaochun Gao, Staff Engineer
Sun Microsystems Inc.
Santa Clara, CA, USA

Howard Gardner
Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Cambridge, MA, USA

Andrea Geyling
Modern World History Instructor
Milton Academy, MA, USA

Christina Gilmartin
Associate Professor of History
Northeastern University, MA, USA
Research Associate of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies
Harvard University, MA, USA

Peter Gilmartin, Program Director
Primary Source, MA, USA

Professor Dr. Sean Golden
Director, Institut d'Estudis Internacionals i Interculturals
(Institute for International & Intercultural Studies)
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain

Jeremy Goldkorn, Editor
Danwei.org (www.danwei.org), Beijing, China

Andrea S. Goldman
Assistant Professor of Qing and Modern China
Department of History
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Joshua Goldstein
Associate Professor, History Department
University of Southern California, CA, USA

Jack Golson AO, Emeritus Professor
Department of Archaeology and Natural History
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
The Australian National University, Australia

Bryna Goodman
Professor of Chinese History
University of Oregon, OR, USA

Professor David S G Goodman
Professor of Chinese Politics and Director
Institute of Social Sciences
University of Sydney, Australia

Dr. Christopher Gregg
Term Assistant Professor
Department of History and Art History
George Mason University, VA, USA

Gerald V. Griffith, Producer
Cartesian Coordinates
Fairfax, VA, USA

Misha M. Griffith, Graduate Researcher
George Mason University, VA, USA

Alison Groppe, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Chinese
Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures
University of Oregon, OR, USA

A. Tom Grunfeld
SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor
Empire State College/ SUNY, NY, USA

云南 (Yunnan)

E Guo
Beijing student in 1989
AT&T Network Engineer

Guoting (Thomas) Guo
Chinese human rights lawyer
LLM student
University of Victoria Law School, Canada

Jianlong Guo, reporter
Beijing, China

Guo Luoji
Senior Research Fellow, Harvard Law School
Cambridge, MA, USA


Kenneth J. Hammond, Professor of History
New Mexico State University, NM, USA


Mette Halskov Hansen, Professor in Chinese Studies
Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages
University of Oslo, Norway

Dr. Temtsel Hao, independent journalist
London, UK

Dr. Mark Harrison
Senior Lecturer in Chinese
School of Asian Languages and Studies
University of Tasmania, Australia

David Hawkes, translator and writer
Oxford, England

Nancy Hearst
Fairbank Center
Harvard University, MA, USA

Paul Heikkila, Ph.D. candidate
Columbia University, NY, USA

Christopher Helali, Graduate Student
华中科技大学 (HUST)
湖北省武汉市 中国 (Wuhan, Hubei, P.R. China)

Professor Gail Hershatter
Distinguished Professor, Department of History
University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA

Christian A. Hess
RCUK Academic Fellow/Assistant Professor
Department of History
University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

Joan Hinton
Beijing, China

Dahpon David Ho
Assistant Professor in History, American University
Washington, D.C., USA

Isaac Ho, student
University of Southern California, CA, USA

Mack P. Holt
Professor of History
Director of Graduate Studies
George Mason University, VA, USA

Brian Holton, Assistant Professor
Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Laura Hostetler
Associate Professor & Director of Graduate Studies
Department of History
University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, USA



Kelvin Y Hu
Attorney at Law
Chicago, IL, USA

Hu Minghui, Assistant Professor
Department of History
University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA

Steve Hu
Senior Design Engineer
California Micro Devices Corporation
Milpitas, CA, USA

Hua Ruifang (Shanghai, China)
Graduate student in Audiovisual Production
French National Audiovisual Institute (Institut national de l'audiovisuel)

Guangping Huang, Ph.D

Huang Heqing, freelance writer

Dr. Nicole Huang
Director, Center for East Asian Studies
Associate Professor of Chinese Literature
East Asian Languages and Literature
University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA

北京大学 学生

Vivian Huang
General Manager/Curator
Chinese American Arts Council/Gallery 456, NY, USA
Former Festival Director
Asian American International Film Festival, NY, USA

Xiaomin Huang
New York, NY, USA

Huang Zhuoming, student
Columbia, SC, USA

Theodore Huters, Professor of Chinese
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Chunsin Hwang
Associate Professor, Economics
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

Eric Hyer
Associate Professor and Asian Studies Coordinator
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT, USA

John Israel, Professor Emeritus
University of Virginia, VA, USA

Dr. Tamara Jacka
Senior Fellow (Associate Professor)
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
College of Asia and the Pacific
The Australian National University, Australia

Linda Jaivin, novelist and independent scholar and translator
Sydney, Australia

Dr. Nancy Jervis
Independent Scholar
New York City, NY, USA

Chang Ji, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Texas State University - San Marcos, TX, USA

Hong Jiang
President, Yan-Huang Performing Arts

Nan Jiang, Associate Professor
University of Maryland, MD, USA

日本 (Japan)

Ying Jiang
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Jim Jin, Senior Lecturer
School of Economics
University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK

John Jirik, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Journalism & Communication
Globalization & Social Change
Lehigh University, PA, USA

David Johnson
Professor of History
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA

Heidi Johnson
Columbia, SC, USA

Professor Margaret Jolly
Head Gender Relations Centre
College of Asia and the Pacific
The Australian National University, Australia

Jeanne Jordan
Boston, MA, USA

Professor William A. Joseph
Department of Political Science
Wellesley College, MA, USA

Professor Ellen R. Judd
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada

Harold L. Kahn, Professor emeritus
Stanford University, CA, USA

Jian Kang, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
New York Medical College, NY, USA

Kang Sen

Kang Wenqing
History Department
Cleveland State University, OH, USA

Jian Kao
Engineer of Telcordia Technology
Marlboro, NJ, USA

Yasuhiko Karasawa
Associate Professor (History)
Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan

Professor Fumitoshi Karima
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Rebecca E. Karl, Associate Professor
East Asian Studies & History Departments
New York University, NY, USA

Nancy D. Kates
Berkeley, CA, USA

Dr. Michael Keane, Associate Professor
Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Dr. David Kelly
China Research Centre
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Mills Kelly
Associate Dean for Enrollment Development
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Director, Master of Arts in Global Affairs
George Mason University, VA, USA

William W. Kelly
Sumitomo Professor of Japanese Studies
Yale University, CT, USA

Alec (Do Woo) Kim
Engine Auditor, Airworthiness Compliance
Qantas, Sydney, Australia

Dr. Marjorie King
The American School in Taiwan and Independent Scholar

Neal J. King, Telecommunications Consultant
Munich, Germany

Richard King, Director
Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives
University of Victoria
Victoria BC, Canada

Winnie King
Research Fellow in Chinese International Political Economy
Centre for East Asian Studies, University of Bristol and
Fellow of the British Inter-University China Centre
Bristol UK

Dr. Andrew Kipnis
The Australian National University, Australia

Victor Koski student
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
History Department
George Mason University, VA, USA

Natasha Koval-Paden, pianist
Department of Music
Middlebury College, VT, USA

Professor Richard Kraus
Political Science
University of Oregon, OR, USA

Dr. Joachim Kurtz
Associate Professor of Chinese
Dept. of Russian and East Asian Languages and Cultures
Emory University, GA, USA
Research Group Director
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Berlin, Germany

Lam Ching
Undergraduate student
University of British Columbia, Canada
Former chairperson, Social Movement Resources Center
HKFS (45th), Hong Kong

Tony Lan
Mediagrif Interactive Technologies
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Helen Lansdowne
Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives
University of Victoria
Victoria, BC, Canada

Fabio Lanza
Assistant Professor, Department of History
University of Arizona, AZ, USA

May Lau
Queens College, CUNY
Flushing, NY, USA

Yan Yam Eric Lau
Hong Kong

Kevin Lawrence
Associate Director, Teach China
China Institute, NY, USA

Michael R. Leaman, Publisher
Reaktion Books, London, UK

Eugenia Lean
Assistant Professor in Chinese History
Columbia University, NY, USA

Amy Lee, graduate student
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA

Andrew Y. Lee, Ph.D.
University Libraries
George Mason University, VA, USA

Chin-Chuan Lee
Professor Emeritus of Journalism and Mass Communication
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA

Frank Lee
Lockheed Martin Inc.

Jane C Lee
Hong Kong

Ken Lee
Information Specialist
George Mason University, VA, USA

Dr. Mabel Lee
Honorary Associate Professor in Chinese Studies
Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities
University of Sydney, Australia

Paul Lee, Ph.D., J.D.
Software System Engineer
Tinton Falls, NJ, USA

Judith A. Lerner, PhD
Independent Scholar
New York, NY, USA

Andre Lévy, professeur émérite à l'université de Bordeaux
University of Bordeaux, France

Hanjiao Li

Li Jie, Ph.D. Candidate
East Asian Languages and Civilizations and Film Studies
Harvard University, MA, USA

Jin Li, Ed.D.
Associate Professor of Education and Human Development
Brown University, RI, USA

澳大利亚 (Australia)

Lillian M. Li, Professor of History
Swarthmore College, PA, USA

李南央 (Li Nanyang)

Shibin Li
Senior Principal Software Engineer, HP
Weiye Li, Professor
Drexel University Medical School, PA, USA

Li Xiaoxing
Minnesota, USA

Yahui M. Li
VPISystems, Inc.
Marlboro, NJ, USA

Xiao Huan Liang, Senior Research Associate
Genentech Inc.
San Francisco, CA, USA

Poh Lim
Professor, Skyline College

Lin Chun
London School of Economics, UK

Huan Lin
Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Pearl Lin
Hualian Travel International Corporation

Vivian Lin, Professor of Public Health
School of Public Health
La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia

Ling Shen
Software Engineer
Siemens Corporate Research, Inc.

Liu Baisha, Lecturer in Chinese
University of Oslo, Norway

武汉, 湖北,中国 (Wuhan, China)


Newton Liu

Tom Liu
Senior engineer
Bay Area, USA

Liu Xiaodi
Utica, NY, USA

Liu Xiaohong, writer and independent scholar, USA
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies

Xiaoxi Liu, Ph.D
Program Manager, GE

Liu Xiaoyuan, Professor of History
Iowa State University, IA, USA

Xinru Liu, Professor
The College of New Jersey, NJ, USA

Peter Lorentzen, Assistant Professor of Political Science
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA

Tenzin Losel
Researcher at a Tibet Support Organization
Dharamsala, India

Jerry Lou, teacher
Participant, 1989 demonstrations
Richmond, BC, Canada

Michael Lou
History Department
Milton Academy, MA, USA

Dr. Lu Hongwei, Associate Professor
Asian Studies
University of Redlands, CA, USA

Huixia Lu
Champlain College, VT, USA

Xiaochen Lu
Champaign, IL, USA

Dr. Ludi (芦笛), retired scientist, writer

Alexander Lugg, Ph.D. Candidate
Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia

Luo Xiaozhong

Baolin Ma
Houston, TX, USA

Jean Ma, Assistant Professor
Art and Art History
Stanford University, CA, USA

Professor Colin Mackerras
Emeritus Professor, AO, Griffith Business School
Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

Rebecca MacKinnon, Assistant Professor
Journalism & Media Studies Centre
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Professor John Makeham
College of Asia and the Pacific
The Australian National University, Australia

Professor Susan Mann
History Department
University of California, Davis, CA, USA

Cherie Martin
Former Producer New England Film & Video Festival
Former Adjunct Professor of Film, Boston University
Seattle, WA, USA

Maria Rita Masci, translator of contemporary Chinese literature
Rome, Italy

Dr. James Matthews, Geologist
Total, Exploration and Production
Pau, France

Carol C. Mattusch
Mathy Professor of Art History
George Mason University, VA, USA

Rachel May, editor and translator
Canberra, Australia

Dr. Lewis Mayo
Lecturer in Chinese Studies
Asia Institute
University of Melbourne, Australia

Edward McCord
Associate Professor of History and International Affairs
Director, Taiwan Education and Research Program
Elliott School of International Affairs
George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA

Dr. Edward McDonald
School of Asian Studies
University of Auckland, New Zealand

Anne McLaren, Associate Professor
Asia Institute, Chinese Language and Culture Studies
University of Melbourne, Australia

Paul Meng, journaliist
Cybermedia Network Inc., Vancouver, Canada

Alice Lyman Miller
Research fellow and general editor, China Leadership Monitor
Hoover Institution, Stanford University, CA, USA

Joseph T. Miller, Ph.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Political Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Professor John Minford
Head, China Centre, College of Asia & the Pacific
The Australian National University, Australia

茉莉 (Mo Lihua)
教师,瑞典松兹瓦尔市 (Sweden)

Professor Brian Moloughney
Head of the School of Languages and Cultures
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Michelle S. Mood, Visiting Assistant Professor
Political Science and International Studies
Kenyon College, OH, USA

Professor Andrew Morris
Professor and Department Chair, History Department
California Polytechnic State University, CA, USA

Dr. Katherine Morton
Department of International Relations
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
The Australian National University, Australia

Dr. Russell Leigh Moses
Dean, The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies
Beijing, China

Marc L. Moskowitz
Visual Anthropology Review Editor, American Anthropologist
Acting Director of Asian Studies, Department of Anthropology
University of South Carolina, SC, USA

Robb Moss, Filmmaker
Rudolf Arnheim Lecturer on Filmmaking
Harvard University, MA, USA

Mu Aili, Assistant Professor
Iowa State University, IA, USA

Marco Mueller, Director
Venice International Film Festival
Venice, Italy

Alfreda Murck, independent scholar
Beijing, China

Dr. Mary Ann Murphy
Associate Professor, Communication Studies
Director of the Center for Community Outreach at
Dyson College and Project Pericles at Pace
Pace University, NY, USA

Julia K. Murray, Professor of Art History
University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA

Gaby Naher
Chair, Sydney PEN Writers in Prison Committee
Sydney, Australia

Rebecca Nedostup
Associate Professor of Chinese History
Boston College, MA, USA

Jennifer M. Neighbors
Assistant Professor
History Department and Asian Studies Program
University of Puget Sound, WA, USA

Simon T M Ng
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Joe Nieh
Writer, columnist
Hong Kong

Danny Nikolovski
Technical Records
Airworthiness Compliance & Maintenance Contracts
Qantas Engineering Services, Sydney, Australia

Lev Nishbor, writer

Professor Michael Nylan
Chinese History
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA

Tim Oakes
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Geography
University of Colorado, CO, USA

Judith Pabian
Head, Research Grants Office
College of Asia and the Pacific
The Australian National University, Australia

Scott Pacey, Ph.D. Candidate
The Australian National University, Australia

Professor John N. Paden
Clarence J. Robinson Professor of International Studies
Co-Director, Center for Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
George Mason University, VA, USA

Professor William Paden
Department of Religion
University of Vermont, VT, USA

Paola Paderni, Press Attaché
Italian Embassy, Beijing, China

Shuchong Pan, Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine
Mayo Clinic, USA

Alessandro Pang
Assistant Manager, Nielsen

Timothy Patterson
Denver, Colorado, USA
Beijing, China

Eric Pelzl
Instructor of Mandarin Chinese
Wisconsin Lutheran College, WI, USA

Richard Peña, Program Director
The Film Society of Lincoln Center
New York, NY, USA

Richard Pendleton
Serials Assistant
Countway Library of Medicine
Boston, MA, USA

Eric Peng, Network Engineer
National Science Foundation
Arlington, VA, USA

Xiaojia Peng, artist
New Hampshire, USA

Dr. Benjamin Penny
Chair, ANU China Institute, Fellow, History of China
Division of Pacific and Asian History
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies,
The Australian National University, Australia

Peter C. Perdue
Professor of History
Yale University, CT, USA

Stephen Philion, Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN, USA

Andrew Pike
Managing Director
Ronin Films, Australia

Dr. Brian Platt
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of History and Art History
George Mason University, VA, USA

Judy Polumbaum, Professor
School of Journalism & Mass Communication
The University of Iowa, IA, USA

Professor Kenneth Pomeranz
Chancellor's Professor of History
University of California, Irvine, CA, USA

Freda Qian, Engineer

Qiao Huizhen
Director (Retired)
Beijing Review, Spanish edition

Helen H. Quigley
Harvard College Library
Cambridge, MA, USA

Shakhar Rahav
Assistant Professor in Asian Studies
University of Haifa, Israel

David Ranck
Miami, FL

Bradly W. Reed, Associate Professor
Department of History
University of Virginia, VA, USA

Ren Chao
Pembroke College
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Zhanping Ren
Ottawa, ON, Canada

B. Ruby Rich
Professor & Chair
Community Studies Department
& Social Documentation Program
University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA

Jeffrey L. Richey, Ph.D.
Director, Asian Studies Program
Berea College, KY, USA

Dr. Richard Rigby
Executive Director
ANU China Institute, Australia

Sidney Rittenberg, Sr
Visiting Professor of China Studies
Pacific Lutheran University, WA, USA

William Riukas
New York, NY, USA

Martin Rivlin
New York, NY, USA

Dr. Claire Roberts
Research Fellow, Division of Pacific and Asian Studies
RSPAS, The Australian National University, Australia

Moss Roberts, Professor of Chinese
New York University, NY, USA

Alice Ross Chase Robeson, independent scholar
M.A. Historical Studies
Annapolis, MD, USA

Professor Lisa Rofel
Chair, Department of Anthropology
University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA

Carlos Rojas
Assistant Professor of Chinese Cultural Studies
Duke University, NC, USA

David Rong, Senior Network Engineer
PLANIT Technology LLC Group

Marni Rosner, Teacher
International School of Beijing-Shunyi, China

Lester Ross
WilmerHale, Beijing Office
Beijing, China

Madelyn Ross
Director, China Initiatives
George Mason University, VA, USA

Jilin, China

Haun Saussy
Bird White Housum Professor of Comparative Literature
Yale University, CT, USA

Scott Savitt
Research Fellow, Chinese Media Studies Program
Duke University, NC, USA

Sigrid Schmalzer, Assistant Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA

Dr. R. Keith Schoppa
Professor/Doehler Chair in Asian History
Loyola College in Maryland, MD, USA

Susan Schulze, Ph.D.
History and Art History Department
George Mason University, VA, USA

Professor Mary Scott
San Francisco State University, CA, USA

Professor Mark Selden
Cornell University, NY, USA

Jianying Shang, student
University of Florida, FL, USA

Hugh Shapiro
Associate Professor of Chinese History
University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA

Dajun Shen (Sang Ye)
Research Fellow, College of Asia & the Pacific
The Australian National University, Australia

Dr. Rui Shen (沈睿)
Assistant Professor
United States Naval Academy

William Shen

Yanmei Shen

Shi Xin, financial professional
Witness, June 4

Yaming Shi, MD

Shi Zengchao

Victor Shih
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Northwestern University, IL, USA

Mark Sidel
Professor of Law, Faculty Scholar, and Lauridsen Family Fellow
University of Iowa, IA, USA


Sim Chi Yin
China Correspondent, Beijing Bureau
The Straits Times, Singapore

S.A. Smith
European University Institute
Florence, Italy

Matthew H. Sommer
Associate Professor of Chinese History
Stanford University, CA, USA

Jim Song

Limin Song
Health Educator
University of Hawaii, HI, USA

Song Shaopeng, Associate Professor
Renmin University of China

Song Yongshen

Howard R. Spendelow
Associate Professor of History
Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA
Course Chair for China Advanced Area Studies, Foreign Service Institute
George P. Shultz National Foreign Affairs Training Center
Arlington, VA, USA

Naomi Standen
Senior Lecturer in Chinese History
School of Historical Studies
Newcastle University, UK

Anne Marie Stein
Dean of Professional and Continuing Education
Massachusetts College of Art and Design, MA, USA

Hans Steinmüller, Ph.D. candidate
Department of Anthropology
London School of Economics, UK

David Stoll
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Middlebury College, VT, USA

Professor David Strand
Charles A. Dana Chair of Political Science and East Asian Studies
Dickinson College, PA, USA

Andrew Strominger, Professor of Physics
Harvard University, MA, USA

Tao Su, Ph.D.
School of Medicine, Dept. of Anatomy
University of California San Francisco

Xiaoyan Cheyenne Su, Ph.D.
Materials Scientist, Tortex Inc.
Portland, OR, USA

Frances Xiaofeng Sun
Director, MamaBless Ltd, UK

Dr. Warren Sun
Chinese Studies Program
Monash University, Australia

Yan Sun, Professor, Political Science
Graduate Center and Queens College
City University of New York, NY, USA

Leslie Swartz
Senior Vice President, Boston Children's Museum
Boston, MA, USA

Dr. Li Tana
Senior Fellow, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
The Australian National University, Australia

Baiqiao Tang
chair, Hunan Student Autonomous Federation, 1989
jailed for 19 months
chair, China Peace and Democracy Federation

Li Tang
CA, Senior Software Engineer
Enterprise System Management

Ming Tang
General Manager
Sky Parts, Inc., IL, USA


Harold M. Tanner
Department of History
University of North Texas, TX, USA

Dr. Jeremy Taylor
Lecturer, School of East Asian Studies
University of Sheffield, England

Professor Frederick Teiwes
Emeritus Professor of Chinese Politics at the University of Sydney
University of Sydney, Australia

Dr. Greg M. Thomas, Associate Professor
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Saul Thomas, Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Anthropology
University of Chicago, IL, USA

Bruce Thompson
Professor, Milwaukee School of Engineering
Milwaukee Board of School Directors
Milwaukee, USA

Neil Thompson
New York, NY, USA

Ellen Wiley Todd
Associate Professor, Art History
George Mason University, VA, USA

Maureen Todhunter
Griffith University, Australia

Dr. Luigi Tomba, co-editor, The China Journal
Department of Political and Social Change
College of Asia & the Pacific
The Australian National University, Australia

Dr. Jasmine Tong
Assistant Professor of Translation
Lingnan University, Hong Kong

中国 黑龙江

Nhung Tuyet Tran
Canada Research Chair in Southeast Asian History
Assistant Professor, Department of History
University of Toronto, Canada

Professor James Trefil
Clarence J. Robinson Professor of Physics
George Mason University, VA, USA

JB Treseler, teacher

Dr. Sue Trevaskes
Research Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute
Griffith University, Australia

Steve Tsang
Fellow and University Reader in Politics
St Antony's College
Oxford University, UK

Tashi D Tsering
Tibetan, ex-political prisoner

Professor Jonathan Unger
Contemporary China Centre
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
The Australian National University, Australia

Cristina E. Villatoro
International Studies Student
Kenyon College, OH, USA

Haizhen Vission, writer
Nelson, BC, Canada

Lindi Vission, student
University of Victoria, BC, Canada

Richard Vission (R.Vision), novelist
Nelson, BC, Canada

Dr. Paola Voci
Senior Lecturer, Department of Languages and Cultures
University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

Ezra F. Vogel
Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences, Emeritus
and former director, Fairbank Center
Harvard University, MA, USA

Joanna Waley-Cohen
Collegiate Professor of Chinese History
Department of History
New York University, NY, USA

Dr. Aihe Wang, Associate Professor
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Professor Ban Wang
East Asian Studies and Comparative Literature
Stanford University, CA, USA

Dong Wang
Saskatoon, SK, Canada

Geng Wang
Kingston, Canada

Hongying Wang
Director, East Asia Program
The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
Syracuse University, NY, USA

Kidd Wang, software engineer

Wang Lixiong, writer
Beijing, China

Mei Wang
Assistant Professor of Finance and Financial Markets
Swiss Banking Institute
University of Zurich, Switzerland

Mi Wang
Application Support Analyst
T&O, Bank of Montreal, Canada

Qian Wang
Associate Professor and Robert L. Sumwalt Professor of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of South Carolina, SC, USA

Ruike Wang, student
Ohio Wesleyan University, OH, USA

中国自由作家, 居住美国湾区

Wei Wang, software developer
Vancouver, BC, Canada

王彦涛, 工程师

Yikai Wang, Ph.D. Candidate, Research Assistant
Institute for Empirical Research in Economics
University of Zurich, Switzerland


Wang Zheng, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Women's Studies Department
University of Michigan, MI, USA

Ding Xiang Warner
Associate Professor of Chinese Literature
Cornell University, NY, USA

Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom, Professor of History
University of California, Irvine, CA, USA

Wei Wei, writer
Manchester, UK

Sasha Su-Ling Welland, Assistant Professor
Anthropology & Women Studies
University of Washington, WA, USA

Raymond Wiest, Professor Emeritus
Department of Anthropology
University of Manitoba, Canada

Ellen Winner
Senior Research Associate at Project Zero
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Professor of Psychology, Boston College
Boston, MA, USA

Wong Sum-Lung Tsing-Kong (王淨江)
Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy
University of Essex, UK

Sophia Woodman
PhD Candidate
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Teresa Wright, Professor and Graduate Coordinator
Department of Political Science
California State University, Long Beach, CA, USA

Professor Tim Wright
Professor of Chinese Studies
School of East Asian Studies and White Rose East Asia Centre
The University of Sheffield, UK

Dakun Wu
Financial Analyst, Credit Suisse
Morrisville, NC, USA

Dr. Guoguang Wu
Chair in China and Asia-Pacific Relations
Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives
University of Victoria, Victoria BC, Canada

Wu Liangyu (武亮宇), student

Rochelle Wu

Wu Wenjian, artist
Sentenced to prison after June 4
Beijing, China

万维, 贝壳村博客写, 自由职业者, 澳洲

Wu Yi-Li
Associate Professor of History
Chair, International Studies Program
Albion College, MI, USA

四川公民 自由职业

自由艺术家,柏林 (Berlin, Germany)

Dess  X

Xia Yu, student
Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, France

Jing Xie
Student, Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW, Australia

Anne Xu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Chinese
Department of Classical and Modern Language
Austin College, TX, USA

许北方 (Xu Beifang)

Yan Chen

J.Y. Yan-Gadoury
Law School Student
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Bin Yang, truck driver
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Bruce 杨
Engineer, Ph.D.
Orlando, FL, USA

Guobin Yang
Associate Professor
Asian/Middle Eastern Cultures
Barnard College, Columbia University, NY, USA

Dr. Lisong Yang
Durham University, UK

Professor Mayfair Yang
Director, Asian Studies Program
University of Sydney, Australia

Min Yang, Librarian
Countway Library
Harvard Medical School, MA, USA

Rae Yang, Associate Professor
East Asian Studies Department
Dickinson College, PA, USA

Renren Yang
PhD Student, Comparative Literature
DLCL, Stanford University, CA, USA

Show Yang
Art China Now
Cambridge and Groton, MA, USA

Walt G. Yang, student

Wenqi Yang, bookkeeper
A G Geophysical Products, Inc.

Yuhua Yang, Architect
James Cheng Architects Inc.
Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Dr. Mike Yao
Assistant Professor of Media and Communication
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Weili Ye, Professor of History and Women's Studies
University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA, USA

William Ye
Legal professional
The Hanleen Ltd.
Dublin, Republic of Ireland

Catherine Yeh, Associate Professor
Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature
Boston University, MA, USA

Suzanna Yeh
Berkeley, CA, USA

许毅 Yi Xu, Ph.D.
Reader in Speech Science
Department of Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences
University College London, UK

Sam Zhiguang Yin, Ph.D. Candidate
Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
President, Cambridge International Forum for Development
University of Cambridge, UK

Marilyn Young, Professor of History
New York University, NY, USA

Bernard Yu
Software engineer
Rockville, MD, USA

Yao Yu
Harvard University ('07)
Software engineer, VA, USA

Yu Zhiguan, freelance writer

Fei Yuan
Traffic Engineer, TranSystems

万源 (Wan Yuan)
Ph.D. student of Bioengineering
University of Texas at Arlington, TX, USA

Yue Kui, nurse
Sydney, Australia

Zang Dongsheng, Assistant Professor of Law
University of Washington School of Law, WA, USA

Dr. Peter Zarrow
Institute of Modern History
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

Elya J. Zhang, Assistant Professor in History
Fordham University, NY, USA


Jimin Zhang, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist I
Biological Technologies Department, Wyeth
Cambridge, MA, USA

Dr. Jing Zhang
Assistant Professor of Chinese Language and Culture
New College of Florida, Sarasota, FL, USA

Karl Zhang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Director of Chinese Program
Department of Modern and Classical Language
Academic Director, Confucius Institute
George Mason University, VA, USA

张立磊, 学生

Paul Zhang
Research Scientist
Texas A&M University, TX, USA


张涛 (Zhang Tao)
中国人民大学在读研究生 (Master's candidate, Renmin University of China)

Yongheng Zhang
Ph.D. student, Department of Mathematics
Purdue University, IN, USA

廣東, 學生

Zheng Zhang
Hong Kong


Xijia Zhao
San Diego, CA, USA

Yingyu Zhao
Shangdong University graduate, 1989


Da Zheng, Professor
English Department
Suffolk University, MA, USA

郑新中 (Zheng Xinzhong)
Shanghai, China

Ruikun Zhong, MD
Project Scientist, Moores UCSD Cancer Center
University of California, San Diego, CA, USA

Zhong Xueping, Assistant Professor
Tufts University, MA, USA

Howard Zhou, Technical Advisor
Toronto, Canada

Betsy Zhu

Yayun Zhu
Waseda University, Japan

Wenren Zhuang, teacher
Beijing University graduate

Victor Zhuo
Principal software engineer
EMC Corp, San Francisco, CA, USA

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